
  • Release date : Feb 9 2016 - 15:11
  • View : 1944
  • Visitor : 41
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

Director of the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine in Zurich met with Director of SBMU Medical Ethics and Law Research Center

Dr. Mahmoud Abbasi, Director of the SBMU Medical Ethics and Law Research Center, in a meeting with Professor Nickla Andournou, Director of the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicinein Zurich, pointed out to formation, establishment and activities of this research center regarding the issue of collaboration with its counterpart institute in Zurich. He referred to the common interests and objectives of both institutes including collaboration in the area of bioethics, medical ethics, health and medical laws, patients’ rights and medical sociology. He stated that signing a contract of collaboration would help them to conduct joint research projects and organize training courses and programs in the future.

Dr. Abbasi proudly referred to wide range of activities carried out by SBMU Medical Ethics and Law Research Centerincluding publication of five research and scientific journals, organizing several workshops and scientific gatherings, publishing over 100 volumes of books and lots of research studies as well as many national and international articles submitted by faculty members and researchers. This broad spectrum of scientific affairs is in fact indicative of the strong desire and determination to expand professional ethics and promote health laws and regulations. Having mentioned the efforts made by the SBMU Chancellor to develop international relations and activities, he hoped to be able to provide the opportunity of such collaboration in order to get more familiar with each other in terms of areas of interest and common visions.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 25844